Abnormal Psychology (2024, Summer II), online


Professor: Dr. Travis Langley

Required textbook: Abnormal Psychology by Oltmanns & Emery.
Check with HSU bookstore for the current textbook information. Get a print copy, not digital, because you will need to have the book present for some open book tests.

Coursework covers the origin, identification, treatment, and social implications of abnormal behavior, emphasizing etiology (origin), symptoms, and diagnosis of specific mental illnesses according to DSM-5 criteria. Topics include obsessions, compulsions, addictions, stress, phobias, anxiety, depression, schizophrenia, personality disorders, dementia, amnesia, dissociative disorders, sexual disorders, eating disorders, learning disabilities, childhood behavioral problems, and more.


UNIT 1 (Tuesday of week 2)
Chapters 1-4.

UNIT 2 (Tuesday of week 3)
Chapters 5-7.

UNIT 3 (Tuesday of week 4)
Chapters 9-12.

UNIT 4 (Tuesday of week 5)
Chapters 13-16.

FINAL EXAM (40% of the course grade)

The final is a large portion of the grade because it’s when we find out how much you have actually learned from all the other work you’ll do in the class.

You will take the final exam ON CAMPUS at this time. Bring Scantron sheet and #2 pencil. You can purchase a Scantron sheet at the campus bookstore.

  • August 1, 1:00-2:50 or 3:00-4:50
  • Location: McBrien Hall, room 311

You are NOW responsible for making sure you can and will take the final at the scheduled time. Do not ask to take it early or late unless you have another final scheduled then, and if so, tell me NOW. Find out now when all your finals will be held. It’s no big deal if I need to add an extra time slot, but we all need to know that soon so I can make that time available as an option that anybody in the class can choose.

ONLINE EXAMS (30% of the course grade)

Each unit will conclude with a 40‑item exam covering any of the course material. You will take each of the unit exams through Canvas when the time comes. Most of the test will be multiple choice, but a couple of questions at the end of the test will not be. For one question, you will suggest a diagnosis to fit a person described in a scenario and you will explain your choice.

There will be NO makeup tests. If medical or other emergency (and we do mean emergency) will prevent you from taking a test, contact your professor as soon as possible with written confirmation.

Except for the final, you will have a window of at least eight hours during which you can take each test, so you may start it at any time between noon and about 11 p.m. in order to conclude it before midnight. You are responsible now for making sure you can take each test on its scheduled date and time. Make arrangements as needed, and keep track of your own schedule. If you ever have problems with your Internet going out, you may need to start earlier with enough time to switch quickly to complete the test through another computer before time can run out. If your wifi goes out, you might then use your phone to create a hotspot the computer can use. When a test uses Respondus, your phone may not be an option. Plan your backup ahead of time.

Once you start it, a timer will begin and will not stop even if you log out. Do not start the test until you are ready to complete it in one sitting. Because it’s online, you can’t simply look the test over and then come back hours later after looking up answers.

For test security purposes, you are required to download the Respondus lockdown browser and to have a functioning, moveable WEBCAM in order to record you and track your eye movements while you’re taking tests. After the first test, your monitor’s built-in camera will NOT be sufficient because it cannot be moved about to show  the entire area around your computer during the environment check. If your environment check does not satisfy the professor for any reason, your test score will not count. As of this writing, Walmart has some webcams for under $10 online and Amazon has some for under $20. Just make certain it can get delivered to you in time. Go buy it. Do not delay. This is still cheaper than art supplies or many other things you have to buy for school.

The first two online tests will be open book – only the first two tests. Even then, you will still have to use Respondus lockdown browser and your camera to show that you are doing your own work. No other aides will be permitted. Your phone must not be there. Do not speak to others during the test.

NOTE ON THE FINAL: Half of the final will be multiple choice. Half will consist entirely of suggesting and explaining diagnoses for people described in short scenarios.


Test questions range in difficulty to get an accurate idea of exactly how much you know and understand about the course material. They provide a very accurate indication of how much each person does and does not know compared to everybody else in the class. I do not feel it is right to establish a curve based on the highest grade in the class, in which case only one score would determine everyone’s grade. The scale on the 40‑point tests is simply this:

F <‑‑ 20.0          D 20.1 ‑ 25.0          C 25.1 ‑ 30.0          B 30.1 ‑ 35.0        A 35.1 ‑‑>

There can be essay questions to assess your understanding of material.

The “total” or “average” shown in Canvas for the class can be misleading when it includes things that do not count as part of your grades and leaves out some things that do. Ignore that number.

INTERNET ASSIGNMENTS (30% of the course grade)

To do your assignments, check the Discussions section for this class several times each week. You will either do each assignment on that discussion forum or learn from the forum where to go to do each task, such as when you have to take some practice quizzes in Canvas (normally a few days before finals). Each response you’re required to make counts as one point simply for following the instructions or minus one point (-1, negative credit) if you don’t do it. You will have several assignments every week. Because missing an assignment in an online class counts as missing class, anyone who fails to do three or more of the assignments may be dropped from the course without further notice.

Do NOT email your work to your professor. Emailing it instead of posting it where it’s supposed to go counts as missing the assignment altogether, plus you’ll lose points from your overall grade.

Google Drive assignments: Sometimes the Discussion assignment will direct you to create a study guide or other work using Google Drive. For those specific assignments, all of the work must be typed in the Google Drive file so that the system will keep a record of how long it takes and all edits you make along the way. Do not copy and paste any content into the document because that will not show the history of your own efforts.


Assignments will be posted on the course discussion forum every weekday during this summer class. (The days specified in the headings are suggestions on when to do them in order to pace your work. They’re not the due dates.) Those that say Monday or Tuesday in the heading will be due 5 minutes before midnight that Friday. Those that say Wednesday, Thursday, or Friday will be due 5 minutes before midnight the upcoming Sunday. For assignments that don’t lock you out at the deadline, you get half credit for up to three assignments completed the day after the deadline – only three assignments, no more. No later work will be accepted. Meet the deadlines.

The one exception regarding those deadlines: Complete the syllabus quiz immediately. Take it repeatedly until you score 100% before you can get credit for other assignments.

If you wait until that last day and something goes wrong that keeps you from doing the assignment, well, you should have done it earlier because you’ll have several days to complete each task. If your Internet is out all day, you are responsible for going somewhere with Internet access. If your wifi is out, you could use a phone to create a hotspot with access. The Internet is all around us, the ways to access it are many, and you have chosen to take an online class. Accessing the Internet and keeping track of your schedule are your responsibilities.


The professor reserves the right to subtract any number of points from the grade of someone who disrupts class, whether online or in person. (This happens very rarely.)

If you do not fully complete the environment check for an online test, you are looking somewhere other than your one keyboard and the one screen browser window that shows the test, you speak to anyone during the test, your phone is active, you are wearing ear buds, video is missing, or anything else about your test performance could suggest a test security problem, then you may have to schedule a time to take a replacement test in person on campus.

Anyone caught cheating will receive a course grade of F and will be referred for University disciplinary measures. A single instance of plagiarism in any task counts as cheating.


While you enjoy great flexibility in taking this course online, you and you alone are responsible for your success. It requires motivation and devotion. You must make sure you follow instructions and do your work before the deadlines. Developing the habit of following instructions and doing things when you’re supposed to do them is probably more important in your life than any specific bit of information that any class can teach you.


To make sure your computer can interact with our system, you may need the most current version of your Internet browser and possibly other software updates.

Call the HSU Computer Help Desk at 230-5678 or email helpdesk@hsu.edu if you have non-Canvas account difficulties.


For an online course, the easiest way to contact me with questions or comments is by email. Write me at langlet@hsu.edu any time and I will respond after I see the message if a reply is necessary. If you cannot email me, you will need to leave a message on my voicemail at  (870)230-5222. (I won’t get the message right away, but that still confirms that you tried before the deadline. Doing it after a deadline does not help.) Email works best. Every time you send me a message without saying who you are or which course you’re talking about, you will lose a point from your grade for Internet assignments, just as you’ll lose a point every time you could have found your answer by checking the syllabus instead of cluttering the email. (If you need to ask something to clarify the syllabus itself, quote the exact part of the syllabus you’re asking about.) We all get too much email. Be responsible and don’t lose those points.

I will send messages to the entire class via email at times. The system is set up to send a message to your email via Canvas. However, because of that same quirky system, I do not always see Canvas responses soon. To contact me, email me directly.

If I can help you with anything else, always feel free to ask. Every online class is different, so do not be embarrassed when you occasionally goof here or there. That’s part of the learning process, and I’ll endeavor to help you get things running smoothly.

Syllabus Part II: Expected Learning Outcomes, Computer Tips, Disability Services

The schedule and other details in this syllabus may be subject to revision.